Irrewarra Original Recipe Granola with roasted quince and natural yoghurt

Quinces are a magical fruit. Pale yellow and inedible raw, but roasted they are transformed into a carnelian delight, bright red/orange with a taste which is so wonderful and unique. I love them in a frangipane tart or with creme anglaise but my favourite way is on our spicy original recipe granola with natural yoghurt for breakfast. We always had quinces on our cafe menu for breakfast and in desserts and customers would bring in their excess for us to use. It’s wonderful to have your own tree as they are prolific fruiters and the roasted quinces last for ages in their syrup in a container in the fridge. Reduce the syrup even further to make a jelly for toast (great on our Breakfast Seed Toast)

The recipe is easy but does take time, so Sunday afternoon is perfect. I use 4 large quinces. Peel and quarter and remove the core. The core is very woody and it’s hard to see where it starts and finishes – if you haven’t removed it all it will become apparent when you eat as it will be hard and grainy. It can be fully removed after roasting with a sharp paring knife.

Place 3 cups of white sugar in a large enamel or roasting pot with 6 cups of water. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Add the quinces and the juice of a small lemon. Split ½ a vanilla bean lengthways and add to pot. Cut out a piece of baking paper to fit exactly in the pot over the quince and syrup – this will keep the quinces under the syrup while roasting.

Place in an oven at 150C and they will take about 3-4 hours. I often do mine on the stove top, on low heat and remove the lid so the syrup thickens, which is lovely spooned over the yoghurt.

To serve put about 1/2 a cup of original recipe granola in a bowl. Top with a spoonful of natural yoghurt, then a quince quarter. Spoon the syrup over the quince and yoghurt. Pour full cream milk into the bowl. WOW!