Irrewarra Casalinga French Toast recipe

Everyone loves French toast! This recipe uses our Casalinga loaf and makes a divine version of French toast – the Casalinga has an open and bubbly, moist texture, so the French toast has a crumpet-like taste inside and a crisp surface. A real family favourite and perfect to make with the kids these school holidays.


This recipe makes enough for 2-3 slices. Just add more ingredients to the plate and mix as you go, if cooking for a crowd!


Irrewarra Casalinga loaf
golden syrup
vanilla extract

Optional ingredients (to serve):

crisp bacon
maple syrup


dinner plate
cast iron or heavy-bottomed frying pan.


Cut a thick slice of Casalinga. On a dinner plate, crack an egg. Add about 2 tablespoons of milk, ½ a tablespoon of golden syrup, ½ a teaspoon of vanilla extract and ¼ tsp of cinnamon. Mix together with a fork until light and well-combined. Combining the golden syrup will take some mixing.

Heat a cast iron or heavy-bottomed frying pan and when hot add a tablespoon of butter. Turn the heat down to low. Don’t let the butter burn. Place the plate of egg mix on the stove next to the pan. Quickly dip the Casalinga slice into the egg mix for a few seconds then turn and coat the other side. You just want to coat the outside of the slice and not soak the bread all the way through.

Put the slice into the sizzling butter and let it cook for a few minutes until golden. Lift the slice up with tongs to check how it’s cooking. When nicely browned and caramelised, turn the slice over, making sure the butter in the pan is used by moving the slice around to pick up the remaining butter. Add a little more butter if needed. Again cook until golden brown. Turn up the heat to finish off and get a crisp caramelised surface, turn over to the other side until also crisp and caramelised.

Serve drizzled with maple syrup or golden syrup, and add bacon, sliced banana or both for a true taste sensation!